MBA Croatia Awards 2023


MBA Croatia is an organization of all MBA alumni and everyone who supports values that organization stands for:

• ethics
• integrity
• responsibility
• excellence
• knowledge
• curiosity
• diligence
• diversity

In order to promote these values in a broader society, every year we recognize those who our members hold contributed the most in promoting and standing for those values.

The Award Ceremony 

The award ceremony is held each year at the end of year (late November), and we give recognitions for  achievements of the year. The award ceremony is a central event of our Gala evening and the celebratory  atmosphere reflects the importance of awards as well as individuals receiving them. Award ceremony is  not only celebratory but also educational event and each year we include knowledge sharing session as  well. Some of our key-note speakers were Korado Korlević, Croatian teacher, futurist and astronomer,  Miha Pogačnik, Slovenian violinist and cultural entrepreneur, Francois Delion, MD Renault-Nissan  Adriatic, Matija Žulj (first president of MBA Croatia and Croatian entrepreneur, CEO of Agrivi). 

The Awards and MBA Croatia Values 

The awards are given to individuals who promote MBA Croatia values and create impact that moves  society in the direction of MBA Croatia’s mission: 

“To inspire creation of better and more advanced society”. 

The awards given reflect the values of MBA Croatia. Hence, we give awards for: 

Manager of the Year – this is the award given to a person our members think was the best manager of  the year in terms of promoting our values, and especially: knowledge and education in business, ethics,  integrity, diligence and excellence. 

Application of Science in Business – this award is given to a person who contributed most to the  application and connecting of science and business. This award reflects our value of knowledge and  curiosity.

Social Responsibility – this award is given to a person our members think most contributed to society in  promoting responsibility towards society. It reflects our value of responsibility. Responsibility towards  humanity, nature, our surroundings and society in general. 

Businesswoman of the Year – this is award for woman (from business) who our members think  contributed the most in promoting diversity in workplace and business in general. This award reflects our  value of diversity. 

Best Lecture – this is the award given to our lecturers. By giving lecture to MBA Croatia audience, they  are selflessly sharing knowledge. Our members vote for the best lecturer. 

Last Years’s Winners 

Our laureates from previous periods include people from different aspects of society. Some are  businesswomen and men, some are scientists, some are simply people who strive and try to make things better. 

Awards 2022

Manager of the Year: Mario Pavić, MBA – CEO of Tankerska Plovidba d.d.
Award for Application of Science in Business: Prof. dr. sc. Dragan Schwarz, dr. med., Radiochirurgia
Award for Social Responsibility: Valerija Jelčić, educator, Centre for Promotion of Inclusivity
Businesswoman of the Year: Aleksandra Cvetković, Kent bank, Board Member
Best Lecture: Robert Knorr, MidEuropa, Managing Partner

This year’s award process will start on October 24th with a call for nominations. Only MBA Croatia members can nominate potential award winners. After the nomination process voting takes place and final winners (out of top 3 voted) are nominated by committee appointed by presidency of MBA Croatia.

Anyone can be nominated in our four categories. The exception is “Best Lecture”, as in this category only MBA Croatia lecturers for particular year are eligible.