Workshop: “NASA Experience – Team Leadership: Failure is not an option”, 23.09.2013

Posted on September 3, 2013May 23, 2016Categories Uncategorized

Dear Madam/Sir, We invite You to the workshop by Mr. Dragos Batasanu named NASA: failure is not an option organized by the MBA Croatia Association. The workshop will be held on Monday, 23.09.2013 at 18:00 in the premises of HGK – Centar za poduzetništvo, inovacije i tehnološki razvoj (Nova cesta 3-7, 10000 Zagreb). Applications Admission to the workshop is free to all members of MBA Croatia Association, for all other participants there is a symbolic fee of 50,00 HRK. Number of seats is limited and seats will be filled in order of … Continue reading “Workshop: “NASA Experience – Team Leadership: Failure is not an option”, 23.09.2013”